
Recover All! – SoundCloud

Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide. 

It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com

Scripture References:

Revelation 5:8

When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

Esther 9:1

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them.

I Samuel 30:8

So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.

Recover All!

Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide. 

It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com

Inspirational Writing by Janet Mata:

Who will cry out for all the injustices throughout the generations?  Who will restore everything that has been stolen from your generational line?  Who will band together and petition against all the crimes against humanity?  Who will fight for you, and will cry out for all the crimes against creation? 

For Satan is the destroyer of life.  He is the advocate of Death and Suffering – agony and defeat.

But I , Elohim, am the lifter of your head.  I am the creator, and I make all things new.  I am the God of healing and restoration.  I am the God of recompense.  I am the God of the reversal of every evil deed.

Recover All! Recover All!  Someone is praying! 

Recover All! Recover All!  Someone is praying!

I am being flooded with prayers, children!  I am being beckoned to revisit every evil deed, every injustice, every crime against humanity; to reverse the effects of all harm done throughout the generations.

For who can do such a feat; such a lofty call?  But I am being overloaded with requests and cries. And the war cries of my people are surrounding my ears and filling my nostrils; for shall I ignore such an opportunity?  Shall I turn a deaf ear to these requests and demands?  Shall I wink mine eye?  Shall I leave the earth wasted before me in such a state?

I say nay!  I say nay!

Heaven is being bombarded with prayers, requests, cries, war cries, reminders, and petitions.  I say our courts in heaven are booked all day and all night.  But the King, the Ruler of all; is about to veto and override all lengthy wait times for answers to requests being made from the earth. 

And I say – I shall Recover All.  I shall Recover All!  Halleluyah!  I have your best interest in mind my daughter, and my son.  And I have set out the decree to recover all in every area!

 I am calling out a worldwide reversal of injustice and crimes against my creation.  Beginning with the sins of Adam and Eve, the creations of the Nephilim, and every other dark and sinister action meant for your destruction.  I am sending the legions of angels to do the work – and I have sent out a decree for a reversal of every injustice and crimes against my creation.

Come into alignment!  Come into alignment!

I am about the press the “override” button! 

Get Ready!  Get Ready!  For it will happen not only for you, but for your family; your relatives, your neighbors, your neighborhood, your city, your state,  your nation – going throughout the world.  I am about the press the override button! 

Keep praying, keep asking, keep knocking, for the bowls of prayer requests are hitting to the overflow!

Not one will be missed or overlooked!  The injustices have not been forgotten.  For I have every instance accounted for.  We have file cabinets full of records of every detail, delay, denial, loss, misfortune, and looting.

Hear me!  Hear me!  The prayers of my people have overloaded the bowls of prayers and they are about to spill out the recompense, the reversal, for every situation, for every record.

 For I am the God of vengeance, and recompense.  I shall recover all for the sake of my people and for my kingdom.  For my bride shall have her treasures and her adornments.  She shall be beautiful and lovely to the eye.

For the eye of mankind sees the outward.  And I shall recover all so mankind shall see the mercies of the Lord being bestowed upon the earth and all of creation.

 See it!  See it! 

Know it!  Know it!

It shall happen and you shall see it come to pass.

For has there ever been such a time as this?  For has there ever been a worldwide reversal or disorder reversed in the history of the earth?  Is it too good to be true?

All the blessings that have been withheld are being released.  Heaven is about to tip the bowls unto the earth!  I am about the unlock the cage!  I am about to destroy the evil works!  I am about to bring the recompense!  I am about to free you! 

Forgive!  Forgive!  Give your requests and war cries to me, and I shall recover all!

Scripture References:

Revelation 5:8

When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

Esther 9:1

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day, the time came for the king’s command and his decree to be executed. On the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, the opposite occurred, in that the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them.

I Samuel 30:8

So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.

This Too Shall Pass – SoundCloud

Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide. 

It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com

1 Chronicles 21:18 Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

2 Samuel 24:21 “Why has Your Majesty come to me?” Araunah asked. David answered, “To buy the threshing floor from you and to build an altar for the LORD. Then the plague on the people will stop.

It is time for war – to war in the spirit with our prayers. To Lift up, to worship, to band together, to love, to reconcile. For our war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and wicked things found in the second heavens and those things connected to them found throughout the earth. For the tactics of the enemy are cunning, and deceptive and are meant to fool even the elect of the elect.

However we have the gift of discernment, the Holy Spirit reveals deception for those who are willing to learn, and we cut through the quick, dividing soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, by Hebrews 4:12 says the sword of the spirit, the word of God has this ability.

Time to support each other in place of division. Time to love each other in place of hatred. Time to give to those in need in place of hoarding for ourselves. It’s time! It’s time! Go ye therefore and proclaim the word of the Lord in every place and take every opportunity. This is our warfare.

Proclamation and Warfare Decree Prayer:

In the name of Jesus, we war from our seated position in the heavenlies.

Thank you Father for continuing to encourage, admonish, and edify your children, your people.

Right now we take authority over every creeping thing, over every demon and minion and everything connected to them.  We place a wall of fire between us and the enemies’ tactics.

We take every thought captive, right now in the name of Yeshua, we draw to our minds the mind of Christ.  We veto and reverse every tactic of the deceiver, every lie of any entity moving about ‘like’ a lion, but is really a decoy.

Father, forgive us for apathy, and stagnancy.  We speak to our bodies right now and say, Get up!  and War!

Love those who are unloving.  Give to those in need.  Speak life to everything in our way.  We command every demonic barricade to be disintegrated.

Thank you that you have given us strength to be diligent in all our ways.

Thank  you for every victory you have given us in advance.  Thank you that because you were victorious, we are victorious.

Thank you that our circumstances today do not dictate who we are in Christ nor do they dictate what we are called to do.

We still have an open door and we are called to bloom right where God has placed us.  We choose to be molded by our heavenly Father and will not accept being destroyed by the enemy.

We purpose to set our heads like flint and not to move to the right or to the left.  Thank you that every test in our lives turns out to be a testimony for God, for his glory!

We shut every demonic door and open every opportunity with the key of David, and we ransack the enemies’ camp and take back everything that was stolen from us in our generational line.  We command a double-fold return be recompensed today.  We call it forth!

We tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing by any means shall hurt or harm us in any way.

Thank you for providing the threshing floor for this season to war and fight by loving and banding together.

We pay full price if necessary, and built our altar to the Lord on this threshing floor so any plague coming against us will be stopped in the name of Yeshua.

Glory to the lamb in the highest, for he has overcome!  The lamb who was slain is the victor!  Hallelujah!

He alone is worthy to be praised!  We praise your name on high, and call upon Jesus, Yeshuah Hamashiach. Yod Hey Vav Hey, the one and only, the God of Gods, the Lord of Lords, the great I AM.  He is holy.  He is wonderful.  He is all together lovely.

We give you all the glory, and the honor and the praise, this day!

Prepare for Battle

Thank you for visiting! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Friday at 10:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio. It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com

Word of the Lord

I, the Lord your God, am your go-to person. I am your shield, and your battle axe.   Haven’t I said, “Call upon me and I shall answer you?”  For I am your ultimate weapon.  I am the drumstick to the drum.  I am the hand extended in time of need.  I am the rotary in order to mix.  I am the cannon to shoot cannonballs.  I am everything, and I am your all in all.  For it is I who have won the victory and provided the way of escape.

Remember this – in your day of trouble, I will be there.  Get ready to call upon me, for I shall surely answer.  For the battle has been fierce, but there are bigger battles coming says the Lord.  The battles are not to bring you fear – but to build your faith.   For I am the ultimate weapon.  I am telling you ahead of time so you will be prepared in the day of battle and warfare.

Just remember this – the greater the battle, the greater the victory – which means the greater the spoil and collection of the booty.  For I have called you to ransack the camp of the enemy.  I have called you to take back from Sheol everything that’s been stolen from mankind – and to pour it out on this generation of believers.

This is not ‘business as usual’ or another hum-drum day. No, prepare for war and prepare to win, says the Lord, for I have given you the victory and am telling you how to do it.

My word says fear not.  My word says keep the faith.  My word says put on the full armor of God in the day of battle.  My word says to stand.  My word says to be bold and courageous.  My word also says to trust in me – for I am your insurance.  I am  your paycheck.  I am the gunshot that prepares you to GO in the sprint – that is soon coming.

Fear not!  Fear Not!  For you are already destined to WIN, says the Lord.  It won’t be you, but it will be me who does the victorious feat – it will be my angels of assistance and the Holy Ghost – The Spirit of Yahweh who will be there at  your side – ready to respond through your words, actions, faith and deeds.  YOU have help and it is on the way!

You have a back up army you know nothing about. “This will be fun!” says God – and you will enlist many to join you in the army of the Lord.

For in the time of Moses, the old unbelieving generation died in the desert.  But it was their children, the next generation who were able to fulfill the promise of entering into the promise land.  So in the days of Joshua so I shall be for this young generation – those who don’t know their right hand from left – but are believing and bear hope.

I am calling in the droves, says the Lord, and you – this believing generation shall bring them in, says the Lord.  So it shall be again that the new, believing generation shall see the promise land.  For this is the Joshua generation. These are the bold and the few.  Haven’t I always won victories with few?

For I shall have the glory in these last days. And you are my chosen vessels to bring in the harvest in these last days, says the Lord.  I have hand-picked you for such as day as this.  Look at the Hall of Fame in the Heavens:

Judah Maccabee

Joshua & Caleb

Esther – otherwise known as Hadassah

Hannah and her 7 sons

Gideon and his army

Haven’t YOU been called for such a time as this?  YES, think of those who have gone before you and fought to the end.  For I am giving you strength in these last days.  I am getting you prepared,  in shape, and cleaned out.  For my chosen vessels shall be holy unto me.  The cleaner the vessel, the more I can use you for.  Submit to me and I shall open the flood gates of Heaven and pour out my signs, my wonders, and my miracles.  Provision is a given. Never ask for that because it is my promise to you.  Follow me and put me first and the Kingdom and ALL these things shall be added unto you.

Do not forget your fist love. Do not get side-tracked in all the wonders that are about to take place.  For you are called to be Holy and to remain Holy unto me.  For I am a jealous God – not tolerating idols.  Get rid of everything that will hold you back and cause you to be left behind.  I am promising you much, but you must do your part.  This is not the time for apathy, complacency, or a relaxed life.

No, gird up your loins and get ready, for the ultimate battle is coming and I have prepared you ahead of time. For I know your heart, and have ordained it to be stable.  I have ordained it to be strong.  I have ordained it to carry the weight of my heart own heart – for this truly pleases me.  It is a fearful thing to carry the weight of my heart. But cheer up – it is also a blessed thing.  For you shall do these mighty feats upon the earth and shall be victorious in these last days.  Cheer up!  I have overcome the world, and so shall YOU!

Victory is ours! And you have full access to the Heavenly Host as back-up! What more shall you need?  What more could you ask for?  Money?  You shall have that too; and in abundance. But know this; Provision is for the vision.  Put the Kingdom of God first and all things will be added unto you.  Do not get side-tracked with things like money.  Use them wisely and do not get your eyes off me, your source, your witness.  Do not hoard in these last days for surely I will provide.  Clean house, says God, and make room for the booty!


Scripture References:

Joel 2:1

Blow a trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, For the day of the LORD is coming; Surely it is near,

Jeremiah 46:3

Prepare your shields, both large and small, and march out for battle!

Jeremiah 51:12

Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon! Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The LORD will carry out his purpose, his decree against the people of Babylon.

Joel 2:11

The Lord thunders  at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty is the army that obeys his command.  The day of the Lord is great; it is dreadful.

This Too Shall Pass – SoundCloud

Thank you listening! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM Arizona Time online or on radio. It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com

This Too Shall Pass

Inspirational Writing by Janet Mata – It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com


My God, my God why have you forsaken me?  Is this where you are, what you feel?  For the enemy roams around ‘like’ a lion, that he may devour who is a sitting duck.

Are you a sitting duck for the enemy?  Are you compliant to his ways and tactics?  Does fear immobilize you so you are prey to his deception?

Come children and sit at my feet.  Learn from me so I may bring wholeness to your soul.  My ways are good and will make good from your life.  I will guide you through the thick and thin.  I will take you as a miry piece of clay and mold you into a vessel of great worth to the King.

Are you willing?  Would you rather be molded or destroyed?  For it is God’s intention to restore and mold, to breathe life into you and to give you a life of value.

But I say to you, you are full of value.  I love you and I love you.  I suffered much and completely understand.  Will you spend time with me today?

For I have much to offer.  My life was full of value, and although I gave it up to be tortured and killed, it was to the glory of my father and to purchase you with my sacrifice.

So then I have proved my love to you by my doings and through what I have accomplished.  My desire is for you to love me, too.  My desire is to be accepted.

But even so, I still love and cannot do otherwise for it is part of who I am.  I love unconditionally.

Friend, I call you friend, for my friends listen to me and you are listening to me now.  Time to move forward.  Time to continue in your call.  I am strengthening you this day and sending forth a threshing floor to use in this season.

This will be the season of great undertakings and fantastic freedom in new areas of your life.    New endeavors are on the horizon.

Make straight the way of the Lord for he is coming in his glory, with his train of victory behind him.

For he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.   I say again make way for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Continue and press in, seek me in every breathing moment.  Ponder on my goodness and allow me to restore ancient fortunes to you which were lost at sea.

For I have the ability to do so.  I am the great I am.  I send you strength and diligence.   Let it be on record today, that I have stated you have a choice to be molded by your heavenly father, or be destroyed by the enemy.

Victory can be yours, let me help you.

Ponder on those things that I have done for you and appreciate and give thanks for everything you have received.  Be diligent about your life and accomplish much for the kingdom.  Be a doer of the word of God.  Action is required on your part.  Be sensible, and come spend time with me, reading my word and being diligent.  Keep seeking, knocking, and you shall find and the doors will open for you everywhere you go.

Be an atmosphere changer and a history maker.  The power of one is with you because I have promised to never leave or forsake you.  I will be there wherever you go.  I do not change.  I am your helper.  Look to me, and ask me and I shall grant what you desire.

Do not doubt, and keep proclaiming my word.  Testify, and be a testimony.  Be an example so others will glorify God.

Encourage yourself in the Lord today, and I proclaim that you will make it through the drudgery.  The thick mud you shall tread through in victory and gain more ground.  Keep pressing, moving forward, gaining new ground and more territory.

Make your life count, make the most of what I have given you.  Be a master at management for I bless those who manage their talents well.  Give and it shall be given to you, do the will of the Lord in every area of your life.

Pick yourself up from the pit and fulfill your destiny in Christ Jesus.

Tarry not, hearken unto my voice little flock.

This too shall pass.   This too shall pass.  This too shall pass.


1 Chronicles 21:18 Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

2 Samuel 24:21 “Why has Your Majesty come to me?” Araunah asked. David answered, “To buy the threshing floor from you and to build an altar for the LORD. Then the plague on the people will stop.


It is time for war – to war in the spirit with our prayers. To Lift up, to worship, to band together, to love, to reconcile. For our war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and wicked things found in the second heavens and those things connected to them found throughout the earth. For the tactics of the enemy are cunning, and deceptive and are meant to fool even the elect of the elect.

However we have the gift of discernment, the Holy Spirit reveals deception for those who are willing to learn, and we cut through the quick, dividing soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, by Hebrews 4:12 says the sword of the spirit, the word of God has this ability.

Time to support each other in place of division. Time to love each other in place of hatred. Time to give to those in need in place of hoarding for ourselves. It’s time! It’s time! Go ye therefore and proclaim the word of the Lord in every place and take every opportunity. This is our warfare.


Proclamation and Warfare Decree Prayer:

In the name of Jesus, we war from our seated position in the heavenlies.

Thank you Father for continuing to encourage, admonish, and edify your children, your people.

Right now we take authority over every creeping thing, over every demon and minion and everything connected to them.  We place a wall of fire between us and the enemies’ tactics.

We take every thought captive, right now in the name of Yeshua, we draw to our minds the mind of Christ.  We veto and reverse every tactic of the deceiver, every lie of any entity moving about ‘like’ a lion, but is really a decoy.

Father, forgive us for apathy, and stagnancy.  We speak to our bodies right now and say, Get up!  and War!

Love those who are unloving.  Give to those in need.  Speak life to everything in our way. We command every demonic barricade to be disintegrated.

Thank you that you have given us strength to be diligent in all our ways.

Thank  you for every victory you have given us in advance.  Thank you that because you were victorious, we are victorious.

Thank you that our circumstances today do not dictate who we are in Christ nor do they dictate what we are called to do.

We still have an open door and we are called to bloom right where God has placed us.  We choose to be molded by our heavenly Father and will not accept being destroyed by the enemy.

We purpose to set our heads like flint and not to move to the right or to the left.  Thank you that every test in our lives turns out to be a testimony for God, for his glory!

We shut every demonic door and open every opportunity with the key of David, and we ransack the enemies’ camp and take back everything that was stolen from us in our generational line.  We command a double-fold return be recompensed today.  We call it forth!

We tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing by any means shall hurt or harm us in any way.

Thank you for providing the threshing floor for this season to war and fight by loving and banding together.

We pay full price if necessary, and built our altar to the Lord on this threshing floor so any plague coming against us will be stopped in the name of Yeshua.

Glory to the lamb in the highest, for he has overcome!  The lamb who was slain is the victor!  Hallelujah!

He alone is worthy to be praised!  We praise your name on high, and call upon Jesus, Yeshuah Hamashiach. Yod Hey Vav Hey, the one and only, the God of Gods, the Lord of Lords, the great I AM.  He is holy.  He is wonderful.  He is all together lovely.

We give you all the glory, and the honor and the praise, this day!

This Too Shall Pass

Inspirational Writing by Janet Mata – It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com


My God, my God why have you forsaken me?  Is this where you are, what you feel?  For the enemy roams around ‘like’ a lion, that he may devour who is a sitting duck.

Are you a sitting duck for the enemy?  Are you compliant to his ways and tactics?  Does fear immobilize you so you are prey to his deception?

Come children and sit at my feet.  Learn from me so I may bring wholeness to your soul.  My ways are good and will make good from your life.  I will guide you through the thick and thin.  I will take you as a miry piece of clay and mold you into a vessel of great worth to the King.

Are you willing?  Would you rather be molded or destroyed?  For it is God’s intention to restore and mold, to breathe life into you and to give you a life of value.

It is the enemies desire to destroy you from inside and out.  He wants to kill you, and cause you to be worthless and of no value.

But I say to you, you are full of value.  I love you and I love you.  I suffered much and completely understand.  Will you spend time with me today?

For I have much to offer.  My life was full of value, and although I gave it up to be tortured and killed, it was to the glory of my father and to purchase you with my sacrifice.

So then I have proved my love to you by my doings and through what I have accomplished.  My desire is for you to love me, too.  My desire is to be accepted.

But even so, I still love and cannot do otherwise for it is part of who I am.  I love unconditionally.

Friend, I call you friend, for my friends listen to me and you are listening to me now.  Time to move forward.  Time to continue in your call.  I am strengthening you this day and sending forth a threshing floor to use in this season.

This will be the season of great undertakings and fantastic freedom in new areas of your life.    New endeavors are on the horizon.

Make straight the way of the Lord for he is coming in his glory, with his train of victory behind him.

For he is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.   I say again make way for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Continue and press in, seek me in every breathing moment.  Ponder on my goodness and allow me to restore ancient fortunes to you which were lost at sea.

For I have the ability to do so.  I am the great I am.  I send you strength and diligence.   Let it be on record today, that I have stated you have a choice to be molded by your heavenly father, or be destroyed by the enemy.

Victory can be yours, let me help you.

Ponder on those things that I have done for you and appreciate and give thanks for everything you have received.  Be diligent about your life and accomplish much for the kingdom.  Be a doer of the word of God.  Action is required on your part.  Be sensible, and come spend time with me, reading my word and being diligent.  Keep seeking, knocking, and you shall find and the doors will open for you everywhere you go.

Be an atmosphere changer and a history maker.  The power of one is with you because I have promised to never leave or forsake you.  I will be there wherever you go.  I do not change.  I am your helper.  Look to me, and ask me and I shall grant what you desire.

Do not doubt, and keep proclaiming my word.  Testify, and be a testimony.  Be an example so others will glorify God.

Encourage yourself in the Lord today, and I proclaim that you will make it through the drudgery.  The thick mud you shall tread through in victory and gain more ground.  Keep pressing, moving forward, gaining new ground and more territory.

Make your life count, make the most of what I have given you.  Be a master at management for I bless those who manage their talents well.  Give and it shall be given to you, do the will of the Lord in every area of your life.

Pick yourself up from the pit and fulfill your destiny in Christ Jesus.

Tarry not, hearken unto my voice little flock.

This too shall pass.   This too shall pass.  This too shall pass.


1 Chronicles 21:18 Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

2 Samuel 24:21 “Why has Your Majesty come to me?” Araunah asked. David answered, “To buy the threshing floor from you and to build an altar for the LORD. Then the plague on the people will stop.


It is time for war – to war in the spirit with our prayers. To Lift up, to worship, to band together, to love, to reconcile. For our war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and wicked things found in the second heavens and those things connected to them found throughout the earth. For the tactics of the enemy are cunning, and deceptive and are meant to fool even the elect of the elect.

However we have the gift of discernment, the Holy Spirit reveals deception for those who are willing to learn, and we cut through the quick, dividing soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, by Hebrews 4:12 says the sword of the spirit, the word of God has this ability.

Time to support each other in place of division. Time to love each other in place of hatred. Time to give to those in need in place of hoarding for ourselves. It’s time! It’s time! Go ye therefore and proclaim the word of the Lord in every place and take every opportunity. This is our warfare.


Proclamation and Warfare Decree Prayer:

In the name of Jesus, we war from our seated position in the heavenlies.

Thank you Father for continuing to encourage, admonish, and edify your children, your people.

Right now we take authority over every creeping thing, over every demon and minion and everything connected to them.  We place a wall of fire between us and the enemies’ tactics.

We take every thought captive, right now in the name of Yeshua, we draw to our minds the mind of Christ.  We veto and reverse every tactic of the deceiver, every lie of any entity moving about ‘like’ a lion, but is really a decoy.

Father, forgive us for apathy, and stagnancy.  We speak to our bodies right now and say, Get up!  and War!

Love those who are unloving.  Give to those in need.  Speak life to everything in our way.  We command every demonic barricade to be disintegrated.

Thank you that you have given us strength to be diligent in all our ways.

Thank  you for every victory you have given us in advance.  Thank you that because you were victorious, we are victorious.

Thank you that our circumstances today do not dictate who we are in Christ nor do they dictate what we are called to do.

We still have an open door and we are called to bloom right where God has placed us.  We choose to be molded by our heavenly Father and will not accept being destroyed by the enemy.

We purpose to set our heads like flint and not to move to the right or to the left.  Thank you that every test in our lives turns out to be a testimony for God, for his glory!

We shut every demonic door and open every opportunity with the key of David, and we ransack the enemies’ camp and take back everything that was stolen from us in our generational line.  We command a double-fold return be recompensed today.  We call it forth!

We tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing by any means shall hurt or harm us in any way.

Thank you for providing the threshing floor for this season to war and fight by loving and banding together.

We pay full price if necessary, and built our altar to the Lord on this threshing floor so any plague coming against us will be stopped in the name of Yeshua.

Glory to the lamb in the highest, for he has overcome!  The lamb who was slain is the victor!  Hallelujah!

He alone is worthy to be praised!  We praise your name on high, and call upon Jesus, Yeshuah Hamashiach. Yod Hey Vav Hey, the one and only, the God of Gods, the Lord of Lords, the great I AM.  He is holy.  He is wonderful.  He is all together lovely.

We give you all the glory, and the honor and the praise, this day!

This Too Shall Pass – SoundCloud

Thank you listening! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM Arizona Time online or on radio. It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by BeautyforAshesBoutique.com