
How to Win the Battle – SoundCloud

Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide. 

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How to Win the Battle

Thank you for visiting It’s Your Divine Destiny! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide. 

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Inspirational Writing by Janet Mata:

Have you heard the bad news?  Have you received a negative report?  Does Fear grip you moment by moment, allowing precious opportunities to pass by without fail?  For I am calling you.  I am calling you.  You are my precious one, my bride, my song.                                                             

Especially now, but at all times, search for me, seek me like hidden treasure.  For a bad report does not have power over you, nor does it have the power to stop you from what you are called to do.

Therefore seek me in this day and hour.  Seek me in every day and at every hour.  Consecrate your tasks to me and dedicate your day and your workload to Christ, who took it all on, the entire world was on his shoulders, and remained victorious over it all in the end.  He is the one who has the strength to carry your load.

He is the one to give the negative report and all the bad news. For today isn’t any different than the days of old, as far as hypocrisy, governmental rules and regulations being dictated by evil entities.

But you are called to be an overcomer.  An overcomer finds their way through and out of all dilemma.

Do not fret my child, do not fret.  Do not cry for those who are passing, nor for the choices they are making.  Do not weep for them.  Do not.

But why?

Because you are not helpless my child, to make changes in the earth.  Lo, I have given you power from the Holy Spirit and I have given you power over the enemy and his tricks, ploys, and tactics and nothing shall harm you!

Decree and declare, let your voice be heard on high, let your words be established upon the earth, and the heavens, to set a foundation that is firm, placing guards and setting angels from on high to employ them to go where they are commanded to go.

My children are not helpless, nor are lacking hope, nor power, Nay.

On the contrary, I have given my children the keys according to Matthew 18:18, and promises innumerable.

Keep these close to you, so when you pray, that your words are established upon the earth, not a lowly sigh or a miserable cry –

But a war cry, and a command, and a stance, and a victory and a legislation.  For my children have been equipped for battle and for victory in that battle.

For the plans of the enemy are loud an brazen – but remember in my word that you are to snatch who you can out of the fire.  Bring those to Christ – preach the word.  For my word, when it went/goes forth, created the luminaries, the skies, the earth, and man, plants and animals.  My word went forth and set each in motion.  And I Have given man the ability to choose.

He may choose life or death.  He may choose righteousness or choose to believe the lie that is upon the earth.

Haven’t I said?  To seek me while I yet may be found?  To seek the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  To make Him you number one choice; to put Him First in your life that he would become your everything and in all things, to cling to God with every ounce of hope, every strength in your bone, with your entire brain and your whole body.  With everything you have my daughter, and my son. 

Don’t hold back anything when it comes to God.

Don’t be half-hearted, casual, apprehensive, or distracted.  For this is not the way to approach the King, even if you are a daughter or a son.

If you are an heir to the throne, you must study and do your part, and manage your leadership skills, and gain wisdom and understanding and be involved in what the king is doing upon the earth!

What have I called you to do?  Have I not given you an assignment?  If I have, then complete the assignment and come to me when it is completed.

For I am a task-oriented God.  You must pick yourself up from the pit in which the enemy has tossed you in, brush yourself off, shake the dust off your feet, clean yourself up, as a righteous man falls but gets back up – and continues victoriously on his way.

This is what I call, ‘Victorious Thinking’.

This is why I have said to live from victory to victory, from glory to glory.  Not from shame to shame or even failure to failure. 

Take the hits and brush it off and do what I have commanded.

Do not be your own naysayer.   Do not help the enemy to destroy and tear down.  Do not be double-minded. 

Focus on the prize and when you find yourself moved to the left or moved to the right, set yourself on the narrow path and keep on keeping on.

Do not allow satan to trick you with his ploys and tactics, as he tried so many times in times past – because he is an expert at this as you well know.

Fight past the unseen; the blanket barriers in the spirit.  Move past the drudgery, the blockages, and cages meant to keep you permanently hindered.

You have not been discarded my child, rather you have been given the strength to do as my word has commanded.

Do not forsake your first love whence all your strength comes from.

The more time you spend with me, the more strength and reserve you will have – the more oil you will have in your lamp.

Just as a car cannot run without oil – you also need to spend time with the king in the presence of the Holy Spirit – the Holy Ghost – to obtain the goals that you are seeking.

If you want to thrive in the Kingdom of God – you must spend time with me.

The more you do, the more you will carry the anointing of God that opens doors that no man can open, and to shut doors that the enemy will try to open – to carry the favor of God, and to live victoriously.

You cannot do this without me, daughter and son.  Set time or even times aside, as Daniel did, he did so three times a day.  But you may choose more or less; the more you do, and are willing to sacrifice, the more you will glean.

It’s your choice –  But I have said, “seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.”

This is a promise to you.

Do not come to me on the day of trouble only – but every day.

Do not get your car fixed only on the day it breaks down from NEGLECT.

But take care of your car, giving it oil and gasoline.

If you do what I say, you will have confidence in the day of trouble, instead of fear.  You will have peace instead of turmoil. You will be stable instead of unstable.

So plan ahead my children to glean from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  And be consistent and love me like no other.  Love me, love me my children, honor me, and praise me.

Make it a habit and a stronghold and a fortress.  For the enemy only wants you to focus on what he is doing.   But give me praise to raise your standard – to move higher in the realms of victory.  For this is how the battle is won.

Scripture References:

Luke 9:60

Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Psalm 34:19

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Psalm 144:1 & 2

Blessed be the LORD, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.   He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer. He is my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.


Thank you for visiting! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM and Friday at 10:45AM  Arizona time online or on radio, or join the program on SoundCloud or OmnyStudio on demand anytime worldwide.  It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by

Inspirational Writing by Janet Mata:

Bitterness, oh bitterness

Such a long life friend – so it seems

Such a deception, such a lie

A companion of companions, a true agreeor of everything that hates.

Bitterness agrees with everything that will tear down, leave you lifeless, and cold.

Oh Bitterness, if I had only knew what you were before I befriended you, that my life would be different.

You lied to me and made me think you were me, and I were you.  You caused me to speak sarcasticly, and be mean to people.   You lied to me constantly and engrossed my thoughts and my hearing, and twisted everything so I would curse myself and my life.

You have been a part of my life for more than I can remember, and now that you have been exposed I am no longer willing to be your friend.

I don’t like what I have become with you being my friend all these years.

I choose to be friends with all that is good and beneficial. And you do not fit in that choice, unfortunately for you.

The problem is many parts of my personality were friends with you.   And its time to tell them you are no longer going to be a part of our family.

That they will need to heal and change without you.

For bitterness is an ugly root, and I have my heavy duty shovel ready to dig and dig to get every last bit of you.  Get it?  Get all the bits from bitterness!

I do not choose to lean on you any longer.

I choose to forgive all those who have continuously hurt me.   I choose to live my life abundantly and take part in everything Yeshua died on the cross for.

I choose to live a righteous and holy life, one of perfection. And according to my Lord my God, he says that perfection is a continuation of seeking him and improving, never quitting or slowing down. To keep gaining ground. There is no failure in sin as long as I am continuously learning and loving and forgiving and seeking and finding.

So then.

It’s time to send you away so you may never return.

And I realize you have many companions that reside in me that are willing to open the door to you again and again.

I say to your companions that I choose to live without you also. You tried to make me think I needed to get away from my family members, but in reality I needed to get away from you. You were the one who did not want my family.

You tried to isolate me and exclude me from everything.

I am no longer willing to be your friend.

I expose you and your evil deeds.

I officially divorce you and decree that you are no longer my friend, and your companions and minions are no longer allowed to stay either.  They must go with you and never return.

I say to you this day that all hatred, unforgiveness, retaliation, bitterness, sarcasm, and everything under the sun that knows you on a personal level must vacate my premises.

I am under new management of the Holy Ghost and he is cleaning you out of my mind, soul and body.

Leave my premises and do not leave any roots, seeds or residue.

I renounce you today.   I forgive all those who have hurt me and cancel all their debt to me in the authority I have received in Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.   I cancel all Satan’s power and authority in this area because it is forgiven.

Holy Spirit enter in my heart, and heal my soul.

Speak to me your truth Holy Spirit, and remove every lie, and search me out for any and all bitterness and its companions.

I post a spiritual EVICTION notice on my heart on the door to bitterness.  May it be glued permanently as a reminder that the door to bitterness would be permanently locked and removed.

I send angels of God to ransack your house, to take back everything stolen from me and my generational line because of your ploys and tactics.

I leave you empty-handed and take back the joy of the Lord which is my strength.

I receive joy in every area that held bitterness in my life and choose to operate in joy as a part of me and my new friendship where bitterness used to reside.

Thank you Jesus for another opportunity to clean my spiritual house.   For you have been victorious, and now I am victorious also.


Scripture References:

Hebrews 12:15  GOD’S WORD® Translation
Make sure that everyone has kindness from God so that bitterness doesn’t take root and grow up to cause trouble that corrupts many of you.

Ephesians 4:31  New Living Translation
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.



Get Ready for Change – SoundCloud

Thank you listening! We invite you to join Janet Mata on KXXT1010am every Thursday at 4:15PM, Friday at 10:45AM and Sunday at 9:45AM  Arizona Time online or on radio. It’s Your Divine Destiny is sponsored by

Rise Up!

7/21/2016 – Inspirational writing by Janet Mata

Join us on KXXT1010AM  Arizona  It’s Your Divine Destiny Radio Show every Thursday@4:15PM,  Friday@10:45AM and Sunday@9:45AM

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Why are you downcast, O my soul? Rise up O God and let my enemies be scattered! Rise up within me and give me strength to carry on – to continue in my path according to your plan.

I will remember all the good I have received from God – and dwell on Him who is my stronghold; my shield and buckler. He is my rock, my salvation, and in whom I can trust.

“He is my willing vessel”, says the Lord. “Therefore I will bless him beyond measure. I shall overshadow him and become one with him. For he has sought me diligently through the thick and thin and has proved his love to me through his actions.” Says the Lord.

The season of suddenlies is here! The season of God’s goodness and the rain from heaven is upon you. The life sustaining manna – my provision and the overturning of your heavenly baskets are here!

You shall be blessed even as I have promised. For am I a God who does not deliver? Am I a man that I should lie? For my timing is perfect. I move on behalf of the prayers of my people.

I am the great I AM. I am the amazing triune God who has given you strength and endurance. I have sustained you this far, little flock. Now, you shall see me coming in my power.

Make straight the way of the Lord!! Make straight the way of the Lord!

For he is coming in power with his winnowing fork to separate the wheat from the chaff! Glory to God in the highest, for He is separating those who were bringing us down; who were opposing the forces of righteousness. “Those who the enemy had planted – will now be uprooted.” Says the Lord of Hosts!

..They shall be uprooted and dismantled and disengaged. Their powers shall be null and void and utterly useless! – For it is I who moves on behalf of the prayers of my people.

The heavenly baskets of prayers are about to overflow! Get Ready! Get Ready, for I am coming to RESTORE righteous living on the earth! For the Battle is the Lord’s! Continue in your prayers my people. Little flock rise up in your dominion and calling for YOU shall see all these things come to pass.

“I say again – I am coming with my winnowing fork to separate the wheat from the chaff! Rise up! Rise up! And take your places for everything is now ready! Let the celebration begin!” Says the Lord!


Scripture Reference:

Ephesians 6:18

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Matthew 3:12

He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.”